Thursday, May 19, 2011

Things I love Thursday

Hello my Darlings!!!

It is yet another fabulous Thursday in beautiful May and even with my arm in a sling I am loving life right now. It is dreary and gloomy and rainy and I am exhausted but for some reason am super pumped and positive. So let's get started with a few things that I am loving right now and I will attempt to not mention Shpongle (Oopsie... just did).


- HULA HOOPING!! I know I have definitely said this before but man alive I really love hula hooping in the forest by the river in my town. Christy and I go down there almost everyday, get high, listen to Shpongle (oops I did it again), and hula hoop... It is definitely the highlight of my day/week.

- Femme Fatale... Britney's new album. I have been listening to this album on repeat since I bought it like two weeks ago. If you were to get in my car I would either be listening to Britney, Nirvana, or Shpongle (haha again...seriously look them up).

- Lying in the grass in the forest just staring at the sky. I feel so connected with nature when I do this. I'm not going to lie I can't wait until it is officially summer so I don't freeze my butt of while I do this.

- Olive Garden for lunch!! YUMMY

- The fact that I no longer dread coming to work. Now that there are so many people at work that I talk to and can just chill with in the lunch room or go out for a smoke with is just fabulous. I actually wouldn't mind staying here for a few more years.

- Planning awesome excursions with Christy. Like our 2012 Mayan getaway. We are going to watch the theoretical end of the world from the top of a Mayan Pyramid. How awesome is that... Oh right!! Just as awesome as we are!!

- Planning zoo excursions with my bestie Krista and her darling daughter Aly.

Little things that make me smile!!!

Thirty minute musical showers, burning incense, petting my darling cat, making a fabulous purchase (haha AKA weed), planning artistic endeavors, planning posts for this beautiful blog, taking fabulous pictures (which I shall eventually put up), realizing that I am happy, Shpongle (HAHA)

What is making you smile today??

Love and Beautiful Cleansing Rainclouds



  1. I think we are meant to be friends!! i am a master at hula hooping, we both love to get high and love to camp. Every one of your post i find a relation to myself! love it.

    I just got keys to a house my BF and I bought and i will be starting a blog here shortly. Ill shoot you a link when its up and running.

  2. Based on your super sweet comments I agree!! We definitely should be friends.

    Hell yes send me the link when you've got it figured out :)
