Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things I love Thursday

Hola Gorgeous Hippie Goddesses!!!

IT IS THURSDAY!!!!!!! It is time for another list of things that I am LOVING (I sang that in my head)!! I am in a surprisingly good mood today. I have been a zombie for the past two days (at work anyway) and everyone has noticed so it is nice to be back to my normal self :)

- OMG!!! This picture is AMAZING!!! I hope I don't get in trouble for posting it... but seriously... AWESOME!! This picture is pretty much mine and Christy's ideal life!!! Just STUNNING!!

- My babies!!!! Look at Scout kissing Atti's face!! SQUEEEEE!!! This was the first time they ever shared a dish!! Adorable!! I made a video of it (because I'm hilarious like that) and once I figure out how to post it at work I will because I am a funny bitch :)

- I feel that this doesn't need any explanation!!

- I REALLY REALLY want to get inked. I have for years but I'm such a cheap ass that I haven't done it yet. I would like to have at least one tattoo done before the end of the year. I believe that the above question is the most common one I am asked when I talk about getting a tattoo...and all ten answers are brilliant. :)

Little things that make me smile
- Planning Christmas gifts - Being done my community service - Thinking about Bassnectar - I have a date!!! - Zee Avi's new album - Oreo's - Weed - Shpongle -

What are you loving??

Love and Sunlight


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